WebCE's Weekly Wrap-Up: August 24-30, 2024

By WebCE
Aug 30, 2024

WebCE's Weekly Wrap-Up for August 24-30, 2024

Welcome to the second installment of WebCE’s Weekly Wrap-Up, a curated selection of the latest developments and ongoing conversations throughout the industries we serve. (Read the first Weekly Wrap-Up here.)

This week saw developments in real estate, insurance, securities, cybersecurity, and the funeral industry. It was busy. Real estate, for example, saw luxe brands like Mercedes investing in commercial and residential properties, while the funeral industry continues to innovate. Insurance Journal reports more Americans are shopping around for insurance, creating a ripe opportunity for competition.

See the complete list of the week’s top stories are listed in no particular order below. If there’s a link you’d like to share or a news topic you think we should cover, let us know!

This Week's Top Stories

  1. 1. Luxe Landlords: High-End Brands are Moving into Real Estate (The Week)
  2. 2. NAR Members Blanket Media with Pro-Consumer Messaging (NAR)
  3. 3. 401(k) Auto-Enrollment Features Don't Help Savings as Much as Expected, Study Finds (CNBC)
  4. 4. Intuit and Education at Work Partner on Program to Boost Accounting Talent Pipeline (CPA Practice Advisor)
  5. 5. Engineering the Human Out of Cybersecurity (Security Magazine)
  6. 6. Americans Shop Around for Insurance More Than Ever as Costs Soar (Insurance Journal)
  7. 7. Climate Change, Disaster Risk, and Homeowner's Insurance (Congressional Budget Office)
  8. 8. Stanford's Joseph Grundfest on Upcoming SCOTUS Securities Class Action Case (Stanford Law School)
  9. 9. Start-Up is Producing Biodegradable Mushroom Caskets for Wholesale Distribution (Funeral Director Daily)
  10. 10. Tech is Making Funerals Simpler and Less Expensive, from 3D-Printed Urns to RFID Tracking (Technical.ly)

This Week's Top Podcast

You 2.0: Taking Control of Your Time (The Hidden Brain)

“Many of us feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. We struggle to make time for all the competing demands at work and at home, and inevitably feel like we’re letting someone down.

But what if there were a way to reclaim our time and, as a result, get more joy out of our lives?

This week, psychologist Cassie Mogilner Holmes explains how we’ve fallen victim to the illusion of time scarcity, and what we can do to spend our time more wisely.”