CFP® Certification CE

Ethics CE: A Practical Application of CFP Board’s Code and Standards


This program fulfills the requirement for CFP Board approved Ethics CE. This program is designed to educate CFP® professionals on CFP Board's new Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct, which is effective July 1, 2024.

Summary Details





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Learning Objectives

  • Recognize when you are providing financial advice as a CFP® professional; 
  • Apply the fiduciary duty appropriately in your practice; 
  • Describe situations where financial advice requires financial planning and understand the additional responsibilities associated with such planning activities
  • Determine what information you must provide to the Client and when to document the exchange of information
  • Identify your duties when you are using or referring other service providers or technologies 
  • Describe the process followed by CFP Board to uphold the integrity of, and compliance with, the Code and Standards 

Designed For:

Credentialed financial services professionals 

Course Information

Adding additional credit may change exam requirements.

Access Period: 12 months
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Self-Study
PDF Download: Not Available
Provider of Record: WebCE
Provider Number: 2257
Last Reviewed: October 2024
Study Level: Intermediate
Approved For: Ethics


Proctor: No
Passing Grade: 70
Questions: 12
Retakes: Unlimited

Recent Customer Course Comments

Comments are from students across the country who have recently completed the latest version of the course(s).

PH Paul H.
Course completed 3/22/2025

Keep the example-based format. Thanks

DT Diana T.
Course completed 3/22/2025

Would prefer more case studies as part of the course

BR Brian R.
Course completed 3/21/2025

I really liked the videos. The person spoke to slowly. The other CE courses gave an option to speed up the audio.

JL Jeffrey L.
Course completed 3/21/2025

Nothing more on this course

DH David H.
Course completed 3/21/2025

Would like to see practice questions that require my response for each section.

KS Kimberly S.
Course completed 3/21/2025

The computer voice does not make this very interesting. Videos helped though.

SB Steven B.
Course completed 3/21/2025

very satisfied

CC Christopher C.
Course completed 3/20/2025

Human voice would be better

ES Edwin S.
Course completed 3/19/2025

talks too slow

JD John D.
Course completed 3/19/2025

confusing signing up fpr cpurses and directions to take exam

TH Trudy H.
Course completed 3/18/2025

The 12 minutes of introduction seemed excessive and unnecessary

Course completed 3/18/2025

No Suggestions, very user-friendly.

TF Thomas F.
Course completed 3/18/2025

Good thorough content

PC Patricia C.
Course completed 3/18/2025

The overview chart of which standards apply when is very helpful.

SH Suzanne H.
Course completed 3/17/2025

excruciating tedium

NK Nadejda K.
Course completed 3/17/2025

Too long

KK Kendall K.
Course completed 3/17/2025

the extra audio was very helpfil

JH John H.
Course completed 3/16/2025

Very easy to navigate. Clear and consise.