What Every Funeral Professional Should Know About Alkaline Hydrolysis


In addition to burial and traditional flame cremation, many states now offer a third option: alkaline hydrolysis, or water cremation. This course covers its origins, legality, chemical process, pros and cons, and the growing preference for cremation, exploring if water cremation could be the next green trend in funeral homes.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the concept of water cremation
  • Identify the states where water cremation is legal
  • Describe the chemical action of water cremation
  • Choose when to tastefully and compassionately present the option of water cremation to families and the general public
  • Recognize whether water cremation would be a beneficial addition to your firm's current offerings
  • Determine what firms currently using water cremation are charging for this option

Designed For

Funeral professionals at all stages of their careers

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