Michigan Fair Housing


Real estate professionals must follow antidiscrimination laws to protect clients, the public, and their business. Despite the Fair Housing Act being over 50 years old, housing discrimination remains an issue. This course covers the history and importance of the Fair Housing Act, common violations, compliant advertising, and Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and Persons With Disabilities Act.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the history and importance of the federal Fair Housing Act and how it is applied today
  • Recognize prohibited acts concerning the rental and sale of housing
  • Explain how to ensure advertisements are compliant with fair housing regulations
  • Explain the history of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and how it has impacted brokerage in Michigan
  • Identify Michigan's additional protected classes and the additional protected classes at the local level
  • Explain Michigan's Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act and how it impacts agents' duties
  • List the penalties for violating the Elliott-Larsen or the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act and how long a person has to file a complaint

Designed For

Michigan real estate professionals in all stages of their career

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