Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the categories of information that WebCE, Inc. (referred to as WebCE, "we," "us," or "our") collect from visitors to and users of the website (“Site”). This Privacy Policy also explains how WebCE can use, disclose, or share and protects such information, as well as your choices regarding it. The information we collect and the purposes for which we use or disclose or share it will depend to some extent on how you use the Site and how you interact with us. Throughout this Privacy Policy, “information” includes personal information about you.


Your Right to Control Your Personal Information

WebCE collects and retains any Personal Information you provide to us for the lawful purposes as described herein for the services provided by WebCE.

You have these rights with respect to your Personal Information:

  1. The right to know the categories of Personal Information about you that we have collected over the last 12 months and the purposes for which we have used that information.
  2. The right to know the categories of Personal Information about you that we have collected in the last 12 months and either sold or disclosed for business purposes during the last 12 months.
  3. The right to opt-out of the sale, use, provision, or disclosure of your Personal Information to third parties.
  4. The right to have your Personal Information deleted unless we need this information to serve you and comply with laws and regulations.
  5. The right to correct inaccurate Personal Information we have about you.

You or someone you authorize to act for you may exercise these rights. To protect your privacy and the security of your information, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity or the identity of your authorized agent before responding to a request. Someone acting on your behalf must provide us with your signed written permission to do so. If you are a California resident, the request must be made by a natural person or a person registered with the California Secretary of State.

To exercise any of these rights with respect to your Personal Information, please submit a Data Subject Request form. We will acknowledge requests related to Personal Information within 10 business days. We will provide the requested information within 45 calendar days. If we need more than 45 calendar days to provide the requested information, we will let you know within 45 calendar days of the verified request. We will comply with requests to opt out within 15 business days. We keep a record of all requests related to Personal Information for at least 24 months. If you are a California resident, you may not request your Personal Information more than twice in a 24-month period. You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment from us because you have exercised any of these rights.


Know, Obtain, Correct, or Delete My Personal and Sensitive Information.

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Sites Covered by this Privacy Statement

WebCE respects your right to privacy. WebCE has created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to protect your personal information and your right to privacy. This Privacy Policy explains what personal data we collect as part of the Services and the purpose for that collection. We also explain how we use your personal data and your choices about that use.

This Privacy Policy applies when you use any website, mobile, or tablet application for and related sites (collectively referred to as the WebCE website). It does not apply to those sites that do not display or link to this Privacy Statement or that have their own privacy statements.

This Privacy Policy is readily available through a link on our home page and at the bottom of every WebCE web page.

By using our products and services or providing any information to us through our services, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy, including any updates and amendments.


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Links to Other Sites and Public Forums

For your convenience and information, this site may contain links to other sites. If you access those links, you will leave the WebCE website. WebCE does not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from WebCE’s practices. WebCE is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites by third parties. The Personal Information you provide or collected by these third parties is not covered by the WebCE Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy of any company before submitting your Personal Information.

WebCE may make message boards, news groups, and/or public forums available to users on its websites. Any information you disclose in these areas becomes public information that may be accessed by third parties, and you should use caution before deciding to disclose any Personal Information in these forums.

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Information We Collect

WebCE may collect personal information about our users in various ways. WebCE collects Personal Information to operate effectively and to comply with government regulations (e.g., licensing, education, etc.), and contractual obligations. "Personal Information" is any information that can be reasonably used to identify an individual and may include, but is not limited to, name, email address, postal or other physical address, title, occupation, and other information required to provide our services and products to you, or to carry out a transaction you have requested.

Collection of Personal Information could be through information you provided directly to us, information collected through the use of our services, or from publicly available sources or third parties.

Information you provide to us: When registering for the use of our Services, including, but not limited to, when you create an account, subscribe to our emails, sign up for a course or webinar, purchase a product or service from us, fill out a form on any of our website pages, and any other information you send to us through our Services, you may be asked to provide Personal Information. The Personal Information collected may include the following: full name, phone numbers, permanent or mailing addresses, email addresses, and information regarding your professional licenses. In addition, if you send us an email, call us, fill out a feedback form, or choose to communicate with us in another way, we will collect that information in order to respond to your request, feedback, or question. We will use and share information you provide to us only as described in this Privacy Policy.

Information collected through the use of services: In addition to the information you provide to us, we may collect information about your use of the Services. For example, we may collect:

  • Device Information – We may collect information concerning your computer and other devices used to access the Services. For instance, we may collect your hardware model, IP address, other unique device identifiers, operating system version, and browser type and settings of the device you use to access the Services.
  • Usage Information – We also may collect information about the Services you use, your interactions with content offered through the Services, and other online activity. For instance, we may collect information about how many visitors visit a specific page on the Services, how long they stay on that page, and which hyperlinks, if any, they click on. We collect this information, in part, through technologies such as cookies and web beacons, which are discussed in greater detail below.

Information From Third-Party Sources: We may receive information about you from publicly and commercially available sources, as permitted by law, which we may combine with other information we receive from or about you. For example, we may receive information about you from a social media site if you connect to the Services through that site.

Location or Geolocation Information: We can automatically collect location or geolocation information, including your geographic location. We, and our service providers, third parties, and/or other parties, can automatically collect such information through cookies, web beacons, tags, application analytics software, and other technologies. See “Online Tracking” below.

Information from Inferences: We can also draw inferences about you based on information we collect on or about you. For example, your browsing or purchasing activities may enable us to infer your purchasing preferences and interest in receiving certain communications from us.

Information from Other Sources: We can collect information about you from social networking services, publicly accessible sources, our subsidiaries and affiliates, other individuals, and our service providers, third parties, and other parties.

We can combine any of the information we collect from or about you and use it and disclose it in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

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Personally Identifiable Information

Some of the information we collect through your use of our Services or communications with us, such as your name, username, address, email address, phone number, Social Security number, tax preparer number, national producer number, license numbers, and other license-related information, including state of license, where required by law, regulations or contractual obligations, can and will be treated as “Personally Identifiable Information” (“PII”) or “Sensitive Personal Information” (“SPI”).

Data considered to be Personally Identifiable Information will only be accessed on a strictly need-to-know basis and handled and stored with care.

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How We Use the Information

We safeguard your privacy interests by ensuring all WebCE sites adhere to our data protection principles described in this statement.

We may respond to subpoenas, court orders, letters of request from government personnel, or legal process by disclosing your Personal Information and other related information, if necessary. We also may disclose your Personal Information when we choose to establish or exercise our legal rights, defend against legal claims, or protect our brand, and may use your Personal Information as appropriate for these purposes.

WebCE may deal with third parties including service providers, contractors, and authorized third-party agents. We may share Personal Information with service providers, authorized third-party agents, or contractors to provide a requested service or transaction, including the processing of orders and credit card transactions. We will only provide such third parties with the minimum amount of Personal Information necessary to provide the services on our behalf or to provide services to our customers. These third parties are not permitted to use your Personal Information except for the limited purpose of completing the requested service or transaction.

If you access a course, conference, or webinar through WebCE or an affiliate of WebCE, we can disclose your information to service providers, third parties, and/or other parties, including regulators and accreditation authorities or agencies.

We can disclose your information to any subsidiary or affiliate of ours for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy. Any subsidiary or affiliate of ours must maintain that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We can use your information for analytics, to understand how you use or access our website, and to improve our website, by us or a service provider, third party, and/or other party, subject to applicable law.

We can disclose anonymized information relating to visitors to and users of our website with any service provider, third party, and/or other party for any purpose, subject to applicable law.

WebCE will only share Personal Information about you that is relevant to our legitimate business purposes or as required to meet legal or regulatory requirements. We do not sell or rent your Personal Information to third parties for marketing purposes unless we have asked you for this permission and you have granted it to us.

WebCE may also enter into joint marketing or other similar arrangements for the marketing of products or services. For example, WebCE may enter into an agreement to have a co-branded website with a company that will use WebCE’s products or services. In such circumstances, Personal Information collected from the website may be shared by WebCE to the joint marketer. WebCE’s logo will appear on such pages to indicate the website is "powered by" WebCE. WebCE’s use of the Personal Information collected on such sites will be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. The joint marketer’s use of the Personal Information will be governed by the joint marketer’s privacy policy.

Circumstances may arise where, whether for strategic or other business reasons, WebCE decides to sell, buy, merge, or otherwise reorganize its business. Such a transaction may involve, in accordance with applicable law, the disclosure of Personal Information to prospective or actual purchasers, or the receipt of it from sellers. It is WebCE’s practice to seek appropriate protection for information in these types of transactions.

We may collect and share Personal Information and any other additional information available to us to investigate, prevent, or act regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of WebCE's Terms and Conditions, or as otherwise required by law.

WebCE does not collect more Personal Information than is needed to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy, unless you agree to it.

Should you withdraw consent to the use of your information for any of the above-identified purposes (other than to meet legal or regulatory requirements), we will stop using your information for such purposes as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so and will not use your information without first getting your permission.

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Security of Your Personal Information

WebCE is committed to protecting the Personal Information you share with us. WebCE uses a combination of industry-standard security technologies, procedures, and organizational measures to help protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. WebCE supports online security using secure server technology because we want your data to be safe. There are state-of-the-art security arrangements and facilities on WebCE sites to prevent abuse.

We bind our employees to observe your privacy and confidentiality rights.

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Storage of Your Personal Information

Your personal information is stored on servers in the United States. Your personal information may be disclosed in response to inquiries or requests from government authorities where we operate. United States federal and state governments, courts, law enforcement agencies, or regulatory agencies may be able to obtain your information through applicable United States laws. By using our website, you understand that your information can be transferred to countries outside your country of residence, including the United States, which may have data protection rules that are different from those of your country.

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Retention of Your Personal Information

WebCE will retain your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, while we have a legitimate business need to do so in connection with your registered account, or as required by law (e.g., legal, tax, accounting, or other purposes), whichever is the longer.

If you have chosen to receive email communications from us, we retain information about your email preferences until you opt out of receiving these email communications and in accordance with our policies.

To determine the appropriate retention period for the categories of your personal information, we will consider the amount, nature, and type of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we use your personal information, whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. In certain circumstances, we can anonymize your personal information, subject to applicable law.

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Online Tracking

Cookies: WebCE uses cookies to help improve the website and to personalize your visit by customizing our web pages. A "cookie" is a small data file transferred by a website to your computer's hard drive.

Most browsers will accept cookies automatically from the site. You may refuse to accept cookies by adjusting your preferences on your browser. It should be noted that by doing so, you may be unable to access certain pages or areas of the site.

Other Tracking Technologies: We also may use other tracking technologies. For example, we may use technologies called beacons (or “pixels”) to communicate information from your device to a server. Beacons can be embedded in online content, videos, and emails, and can allow a server to read certain types of information from your device, know when you have viewed particular content or a particular email message, determine the time and date on which you viewed the web beacon, and the IP address of your device. We use web beacons for various purposes, which include analyzing the use of our Services and in conjunction with cookies.

Advertising Networks: We use service providers, third parties, and/or other parties, such as network advertisers, to serve advertisements on other websites or other media (such as a social networking service). This enables us and these service providers, third parties, and/or other parties to target advertisements to you for products and services offered by us and products and services offered by service providers, third parties, and/or other parties in which you might be interested. Ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors, and/or traffic measurement services may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These cookies and other technologies are governed by each service provider’s, third party’s, and/or other party’s specific privacy policy, and not by this Privacy Policy.

Users in the United States may opt out of many ad networks. For example, you may go to the Digital Advertising Alliance ("DAA") Consumer Choice Page at for information about opting out of interest-based advertising and choices regarding having information used by DAA companies at

You may also go to the Network Advertising Initiative ("NAI") Consumer Opt-Out Page at for information about opting out of interest-based advertising and choices regarding having information used by service providers, third parties, and/or other parties that are NAI members at

Opting out from one or more companies listed on the DAA Consumer Choice Page at or the NAI Consumer Opt-Out Page at will remove you from those companies' delivery of interest-based content or ads to you, but it does not mean you will no longer receive any advertising through a Site or on other websites. Even if you opt out from one or more companies listed on the DAA Consumer Choice Page or the NAI Consumer Opt-Out Page, you may continue to receive advertisements, for example, based on the website that you are viewing (i.e., contextually based ads). Also, if your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you opt out on the DAA or NAI websites, your opt-out may not be effective. Additional information is available on the DAA's website at or the NAI's website at

"Do Not Track" Signals At this time, we do not respond to "Do Not Track" signals sent from web browsers or other mechanisms that provide users the ability to exercise choice regarding the collection of personally identifiable information about a user's online activities over time and across service provider, third party, and/or other party Internet services because there is not a common understanding of how to interpret "Do Not Track" signals.

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By using this website and providing Personal Information to us, you fully understand and unambiguously consent to the collection and use of the information as described herein. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on this site so that you will always know what information we collect, and how we use it.

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Data Integrity

WebCE takes reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information is accurate, complete, and current. In the event of changes in your Personal Information, you may inform WebCE to ensure that your information is up to date.

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Children's Privacy

This site is not intended for use by children under the age of 18. WebCE does not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 18. If we learn that we have collected Personal Information from a child under the age of 18, we will delete that data from our systems.

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Changes to Our Privacy Policy

WebCE may update this Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice to reflect changes in our information practices. We monitor state privacy laws to ensure that we remain compliant with them. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will become effective when posted. We recommend that you read this Privacy Policy periodically to ensure that you are aware of our current privacy practices.

If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revisions here. If we make significant changes to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you by other means, which may include email and notices on our home page.

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Inquiries About Accessing, Updating, and Deleting Your Personal Information

This site is not intended for use by children under the age of 18. WebCE does not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 18. If we learn that we have collected Personal Information from a child under the age of 18, we will delete that data from our systems.

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Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, wish to inspect the information we have about you, or wish to make a request with respect to how we use the information (including a request to delete the information), please contact [email protected] or call us at 877-488-9308.

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Last Reviewed on 7/1/2024
© WebCE, Inc., 2022-2024. All rights reserved.