Insurance CE >> Texas >> Adjuster

TX Personal Auto & Claims CE Course Package

Package Details

4.73 (27573 Ratings)
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Access Period:

12 months

Low price coverage shouldn’t be the only attribute of an auto policy – in fact, it may not be the most important. Consumers need to know what their insurance covers, what may be missing and how to navigate the claims process after the damage has happened. As an auto claims adjuster, it is important to know the coverages provided by your client’s insurance and be able to estimate the cost of vehicle repairs, negotiate equitable settlements and issue payments through the claims process.

Choose this package of courses for an in-depth overview of general personal auto insurance coverages and claims process-related concepts. Main learning concepts include:

  • Achieve an understanding of the fundamentals of personal auto insurance
  • Demonstration of ethical values when working with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders
  • Understand the claims adjustment process, from first notice of loss through resolution

Courses included will meet all your CE requirements for your license renewal in Texas including your 50% classroom and ethics requirement.

Package Includes
Claims Investigation
(5307 Ratings)

PAP: Med Pay/PIP/Uninsured Motorists Coverage
(7599 Ratings)

PAP: Physical Damage Coverage in the ISO PAP
(2724 Ratings)

Professional Excellence Through Ethics and Values
(8719 Ratings)

The Collision Loss: Total or Repair
(3224 Ratings)

Exam Requirements: Self-study exams are open-book and do not require a monitor. Classroom equivalent courses do not have a final exam and must be completed by passing each end of chapter quiz.Course Delivery: At least 50% of total CE hours must be completed through classroom or classroom equivalent courses.

Recent Customer Course Comments

Comments are from students across the country who have recently completed the latest version of the course(s).